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產(chǎn)品中心您現在的位置:首頁(yè) > 產(chǎn)品展示 > > PILZ > BECKHOFF倍??刂破鰿X8080價(jià)格






倍福公司致力于為您實(shí)現基于 PC 控制技術(shù)的開(kāi)放式自動(dòng)化系統。我們的產(chǎn)品范圍包括工業(yè) PC、現場(chǎng)總線(xiàn)組件、驅動(dòng)技術(shù)和自動(dòng)化軟件。


這些產(chǎn)品線(xiàn)既可作為獨立的組件來(lái)使用,也可將它們集成到一個(gè)完整的控制系統中,適用于各種行業(yè)領(lǐng)域。Beckhoff 公司始終堅持“自動(dòng)化新技術(shù)”作為公司的發(fā)展理念,其自動(dòng)化解決方案,如 CNC 機床控制和智能樓宇等,已在世界各地得到廣泛應用。

CX8030Embedded PCDIN rail Industrial PC
– 32 bit, 400 MHz CPU (TC3: 20)
– 512 MB microSD flash memory (optionally 1 GB, 2 GB or 4 GB)
– 64 MB internal main memory
– protocol: PROFIBUS-DP master
– operating system: Microsoft Windows CE 6
– programming: TwinCAT 2 PLC
– interfaces: 1 x Ethernet 10/100 Mbit/s (RJ45), 1 x USB device (behind the front flap)
– bus interface: 1 x PROFIBUS (D-sub RS485, 9-pin socket with shielding)
– I/O connection: E-bus (EtherCAT Terminals) or K-bus (Bus Terminals), automatic detection
– clock: internal battery-backed clock for time and date (battery behind the front flap, exchangeable)
– UPS: 1-second UPS
– protection class: IP 20
– dimensions (W x H x D) 64 x 100 x 73 mm
CX8031Embedded PCDIN rail Industrial PC
– 32 bit, 400 MHz CPU
– 512 MB microSD flash memory (optionally 1 GB, 2 GB or 4 GB)
– 64 MB internal main memory
– protocol: PROFIBUS-DP slave
– operating system: Microsoft Windows CE 6
– programming: TwinCAT 2 PLC
– interfaces: 1 x Ethernet 10/100 Mbit/s (RJ45), 1 x USB device (behind the front flap)
– bus interface: 1 x PROFIBUS (D-sub RS485, 9-pin socket with shielding)
– I/O connection: E-bus (EtherCAT Terminals) or K-bus (Bus Terminals), automatic detection
– clock: internal battery-backed clock for time and date (battery behind the front flap, exchangeable)
– UPS: 1-second UPS
– protection class: IP 20
– dimensions (W x H x D) 64 x 100 x 73 mm
CX8050Embedded PCDIN rail Industrial PC
– 32 bit, 400 MHz CPU
– 512 MB microSD flash memory (optionally 1 GB, 2 GB or 4 GB)
– 64 MB internal main memory
– protocol: CANopen master, CAN Layer 2 Kommunikation
– operating system: Microsoft Windows CE 6
– programming: TwinCAT 2 PLC
– interfaces: 1 x Ethernet 10/100 Mbit/s (RJ45), 1 x USB device (behind the front flap)
– bus interface: D-sub connector, 9-pin according to CANopen specification, galvanically decoupled
– I/O connection: E-bus (EtherCAT Terminals) or K-bus (Bus Terminals), automatic detection
– clock: internal battery-backed clock for time and date (battery behind the front flap, exchangeable)
– UPS: 1-second UPS
– protection class: IP 20
– dimensions (W x H x D) 64 x 100 x 73 mm
CX8051Embedded PCDIN rail Industrial PC
– 32 bit, 400 MHz CPU
– 512 MB microSD flash memory (optionally 1 GB, 2 GB or 4 GB)
– 64 MB internal main memory
– protocol: CANopen slave
– operating system: Microsoft Windows CE 6
– programming: TwinCAT 2 PLC
– interfaces: 1 x Ethernet 10/100 Mbit/s (RJ45), 1 x USB device (behind the front flap)
– bus interface: D-sub connector, 9-pin according to CANopen specification, galvanically decoupled
– I/O connection: E-bus (EtherCAT Terminals) or K-bus (Bus Terminals), automatic detection
– clock: internal battery-backed clock for time and date (battery behind the front flap, exchangeable)
– UPS: 1-second UPS
– protection class: IP 20
– dimensions (W x H x D) 64 x 100 x 73 mm
CX8080Embedded PCDIN rail Industrial PC
– 32 bit, 400 MHz CPU
– 512 MB microSD flash memory (optionally 1 GB, 2 GB or 4 GB)
– 64 MB internal main memory
– protocol: serial communication RS232/RS485
– operating system: Microsoft Windows CE 6
– programming: TwinCAT 2 PLC
– interfaces: 1 x Ethernet 10/100 Mbit/s (RJ45), 1 x USB device (behind the front flap)
– bus interface: D-sub connector, 9-pin, RS232/RS485
– I/O connection: E-bus (EtherCAT Terminals) or K-bus (Bus Terminals), automatic detection
– clock: internal battery-backed clock for time and date (battery behind the front flap, exchangeable)
– UPS: 1-second UPS
– protection class: IP 20
– dimensions (W x H x D) 64 x 100 x 73 mm



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©2024 版權所有:上海勇控自動(dòng)化設備有限公司  備案號:滬ICP備17010722號-2  總訪(fǎng)問(wèn)量:338077  站點(diǎn)地圖  技術(shù)支持:化工儀器網(wǎng)  管理登陸
